Mons. Reinaldo Nann

domingo, 14 de julio de 2013

Bishop Paul J. Swain to celebrate liturgy on feast of St. Kateri Tekakwitha

St. Kateri Tekakwitha
The Most Rev. Paul J. Swain, Bishop of Sioux Falls, will be in Sisseton July 14 to celebrate the 11 a.m. Mass with members of St. Catherine Church and the Catholic community there.

The liturgical celebration is significant since it coincides with the designated Memorial Feast of St. Kateri Tekakwitha.

Since the feast falls on a Sunday, the Mass will be the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time liturgy (rather than a Memorial Feast liturgy).

"However, special attention will be drawn to St. Kateri's particular witness in our diocese and to the Native American people," said Matthew Althoff, chancellor of the diocese.

St. Kateri was canonized last fall by Pope Benedict XVI, so this is the first year her memorial feast is in July.

Father Joseph Hitpas, OMI, pastor of Saint Catherine Church, along with Deacon Chet Cordell, Diocesan Co-Coordinator of Native American Ministry, will be present for the liturgy and celebration.

Deacon Chet Cordell and his wife Colleen now serve as coordinators of Native American ministry in the diocese.

Deacon Chet and Colleen Cordell are from Marvin.

The Cordells have been married 30 years and have four children (three boys and one girl). They also have four grandchildren.

Deacon Chet Cordell was ordained to the diaconate in 2012.

The journey towards ordination and now beyond has allowed the Cordells to grow closer together, both in the Lord and in their vows of marriage. "We realize to a much greater degree that in order to do the Father's will, it is His will that we need to follow and not our own," said Deacon Cordell.

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